I have the great pleasure to announce that the resolution has been voted! What emotion, I can hardly believe it …
What a result for all the work we did with our association !

Lyme Resolution & Amendments Europe

Video Debate

I want to thank Mrs Liadh Ni RIADA European Parliamentarian who followed us in our request during our appointment on January 24, 2018, to have a Lyme resolution for Europe.

I also want to thank Mrs Merja KYLLONEN, European Parliamentarian, who at each stage informed us of the evolution. She also asked us to have our comments, our wishes and our expectations.

Many thanks also to all parliamentarians who worked on this resolution.

Thanks also to all the parliamentarians who responded to our mailing and who gave us hope for the future.

And then, of course, thanks to all the parliamentarians who have voted this resolution.

It all started here :

Ni Riada Liadh (Ireland)