Answer on October 1, 2018 from Madam Pietikäinen Sirpa

Hei Marleen,

Kiitos yhteydenotosta ja tärkeän asian esiin ottamisesta. Hyvä tietää, että teillä on yhdistys, joka edistää tietoisuutta Lyme-taudista.

Parlamentin mietintö heijastaa myös ymmärrystä asian tärkeydestä ja taudin vakavuudesta. Itse tuen mietinnön viestejä koskien tarvetta panostaa tutkimukseen ja parempien diagnoosien ja hoitojen kehittämiseen. Mikäli olisin ollut syyskuun täysistunnossa, olisin äänestänyt mietinnön puolesta. Valitettavasti en tällä kertaa päässyt sairasloman takia osallistumaan äänestyksiin.

Menestystä yhdistyksenne työlle ja hyvää syksyä toivottaen,

Sirpa P.


Thank you for contacting me, this is important. It is good to know that you have an association that promotes awareness of Lyme disease.

Parliament’s report also reflects the understanding of the importance of the case and the seriousness of the disease. I myself support the report’s report on the need to invest in research and the development of better diagnosis and treatment. If I had been in the September plenary, I would have voted for the report. Unfortunately, this time I was not present at the vote because of sick leave.

Good luck with your association and a good autumn,


Answer on November 6, 2018 from Lyme-int association

Dear Sirpa,

Thank you for your response and your support.

There will be a debate on 15 November in plenary session in Strasburg on the written question Lyme, followed in principle by the vote of the resolution.


Marleen Deglin


Answer on November 7, 2018 from Madam Pietikäinen Sirpa

Dear Marleen,

Thanks for taking the time to ensure this had my attention. I had in fact noted it was on the agenda next week and I have requested speaking time on this important issue.

Best regards,

Sirpa P.


Answer on November 13, 2018 from Lyme-int association

Dear Sirpa,

Thank you very much for your response and your support.

We hope for the best for Thursday.

Best regards,
